English (en-GB)
Croatian (Croatia)
English (en-GB)

Education and capacity building of teachers

Education and capacity building of students

Equipping the school and outdoor classroom

Extracurricular activities

Bilateral cooperation

English (en-GB)
Croatian (Croatia)
English (en-GB)

Bilateral cooperation

Nansen Academy/Nansenskolen from Lillehammer is a humanistic academy, whose main goal is to encourage independent and critical thinking and creativity, as a basis for active participation in society. It was founded in 1938 as a response to the strengthening of totalitarian ideology in Europe, and since then it has been implementing an interdisciplinary program based on social sciences and humanities.

We will achieve cooperation with the Nansen Academy through a study visit of the project participants to Norway and a reciprocal, mentoring visit by the Norwegian partner and associates to Dalj, and through the connection of Norwegian and Croatian pupils.

During the study trip to Norway, we will visit the Nansen Academy in Lillehammer, learn about its 80 years of activity and the legacy of Fridtjof Nansen, a scientist and social activist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922 for his humanitarian work. Along with the Nansen Academy, we will visit elementary schools in Lillehammer and Oslo where we will learn about the Norwegian curriculum and the implementation of STEM content within the curriculum. Meeting with local teachers will be an opportunity to exchange experience and learn from examples of good practice, and we will also see firsthand how teaching is conducted in Norway. A visit to the Technical Museum in Oslo is planned.

We will visit the VilVite Science Center in Bergen, which was created as a joint initiative of schools, colleges, private IT companies and the local community.

The goal of the center is to inspire children's interest in science and technology, so that in the future they orient themselves towards natural and technical faculties and choose careers in that field. The trip will be an opportunity to learn about Norwegian tradition and culture, and to present our school to partners in Norway.

A return mentoring visit of teachers, experts and partners from Norway is planned after finishing of the external STEM classroom.

Visit of Norwegian partners

Visit of Norwegian partners

Our return study visit included Norwegian partners from the Nansen Academy, as well as representatives from the Sore Al school and the Areta school from Lillehammer. They visited our elementary school, and we introduced them to the activities and achievements of the KOZMOS project.


A seven-day study visit to Norway has ended, from which we returned full of impressions, new knowledge and ideas, new friendships and plans for future cooperation.