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Croatian (Croatia)
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Education and capacity building of teachers

Education and capacity building of students

Equipping the school and outdoor classroom

Extracurricular activities

Bilateral cooperation

English (en-GB)
Croatian (Croatia)
English (en-GB)

Extracurricular activities

In the KOZMOS project, teachers will create a curriculum for nine new extracurricular activities that they will carry out with a group of students during the project, and after the end of the project, the same activities will become an integral part of the school's curriculum. New extracurricular activities will enable students to get the knowledge and develop skills in the field of STEM, active citizenship and ICT, with the use of new, modern equipment and learning materials that will be acquired as part of the project.


The new extracurricular activities are called: Little Researchers, Little Mathematicians, Little Programmers and Little Builders (for the early development of STEM, for students in grades 1-4), Young Scientists, Film Group, Civic Education and Game Room (for students 5-8 class), and PLAY (We explore, we build, we develop) for students with developmental disabilities.


Little researchers will develop students' interest in natural sciences, research competences, critical thinking and argumentation. Students will independently perform scientific experiments and draw conclusions based on their results.


Little mathematicians will develop students' mathematical skills and logical reasoning, solving various mathematical problems using examples from their environment.


Little programmers will develop their computer skills by solving problems through setting up algorithms, and become familiar with the basics of robotics.


Little builders will use different didactic materials (lego blocks, magnetic constructors...) and waste/recycled material (cardboard boxes, corks...) make different buildings and devices by adopting the primary laws of physics, developing creativity, divergent thinking and improving fine motor skills.


Young scientists will develop abilities and skills in the fields of mathematics, physics, geography and astronomy, develop critical thinking and argumentation. By learning about the heritage of M. Milanković, they will participate in the entrepreneurial project "KOZMOS in Dalj". They will develop entrepreneurial skills through the planning and development of models of study visits by other students to their school and the external STEM classroom and Milutin Milanković Centre.


The goal of the Game room is to develop students' critical thinking, creativity and divergent thinking, and to test the model of learning through play, in such a way that they will create and build a model of a social game related to the content of one of the school subjects. Also, students will play and analyze social games and compare physical games with digital ones, naming and discussing advantages and disadvantages.


The Film group is intended for students in grades 5-8, the students will design and write a screenplay, create a recording book, deal with filming and directing, editing, stop animation, creating digital stories, get to know multimedia equipment and at the same time develop their ICT competences, strengthen teamwork, creativity and media literacy.


Civic education will be conducted for students in grades 5-8. Goal of CE is to develop civic competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs) in students that will help them understand the world and contribute to positive changes in society, in order to become responsible participants social and political life.


IGRA/GAME (Investigate, Build, Develop) will be conducted for students with developmental disabilities, with the aim of developing skills and capacities in the field of STEM, ICT, active citizenship and entrepreneurship through units: I love experiment, lego builder, use of ICT, creativity in digital environment, entrepreneurship and volunteering.



We are planning the program in the form of field lessons for students from other schools in the Republic of Croatia and further afield; a visit to the school, an outdoor STEM classroom with exhibits, and a visit to the Milutin Milanković Centre. Dalj elementary school students will host the activity "KOZMOS in Dalj" in which they plan to host their peers from all over Croatia and present their school, Dalj and their hometown to them, as well as present the discoveries of Milutin Milanković and his scientific work. As part of extracurricular activity Young Scientists, we will create a Guide for students "KOZMOS in Dalj".



On Tuesday, 20th of June, after regular school classes, presentation of the new extracurricular activities created in the scope of the KOZMOS project was held for all students of Dalj school.    Ten new extracurricular activities students will be able to attend from the next school year. The new  extracurricular activities offer research work, experimentation; construction of buildings, vehicles and other structures with different materials; improving the skills of using modern technology; drawing and designing in different programs; production of video material with modern equipment; programming and coding; getting to know the value of work and money; developing an entrepreneurial idea and building an entrepreneurial spirit.   How diverse and creative the new extracurricular activities ar...
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