As the last activity to strengthen the capacity of teachers and other educational workers in Elementary School Dalj, a lecture entitled 'STEM today - Challenges of sustainable development' was held by Dražen Šimleša, a well-known sociologist from the Zagreb Institute of Social Sciences "Dr. Ivo Pilar", who deals with the field of globalization and sustainable development and is the author of several books and scientific papers. Šimleša pointed out that it is important in educational institutions to work on solving certain problems in society and the economy, the consequences of which include climate change. He emphasized that schools should be polygons of sustainable development that is connected with all other subjects. He pointed out the connection of the whole world and how we are affected by the fires in the Amazon and the number of plankton in the oceans thousands of kilometers away from our home.
Šimleša also spoke about the Green Network of Activist Groups - ZMAG - an association that brings together organic gardeners, practitioners of applied technologies and ecological construction, permaculture designers, researchers of just social models of organization and equal interpersonal relations, and environmental activists. The association has an educational center Recycled Estate in Vukomerić, which is the headquarters of the association and a social and educational center.